Monday, August 22, 2011

The view from 30,000 feet...

So, the timestamp on my last post tells me that it's been a fair amount of weeks since I've posted. Yikes! I did not mean to let that much time go between entries.  I've had a couple people ask if I am still aiming for my goals and the answer is YES!  I'm still working on making healthy choices.  I've been doing a little traveling lately so that has made it hard for me to keep up with the online part of everything.  Rest assured I'm still working hard though!

This photo is the view from my airplane window as we flew over Arizona.  Earlier this month I went to LA for a work trip that I ended up extending by a few days to do a bit of touring.  I love looking out of the windows of airplanes - when there is something to see. I spied the Mississippi River, the Missouri River (evidently still flooding), the edge of the Grand Canyon, Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam among other things.

It's amazing how far you can see from up there (incidentally, we were cruising around 35,000 ft.... Mt. Everest base camp is about halfway down around 18,000. Whoa, that put it in a bit of perspective).  Life's everyday problems seem so far away when you look at things from that height.  Everyday life is a bit like what I would imagine exploring that canyon way down below must be like.  The walls seem high and impenetrable, it's a meandering path without a clear end point and sometimes you feel all alone.  However, viewed from this angle you can really admire the beauty in its creation.

Getting away to LA was a great little respite for me.  Not only did I literally see the world from 30,000 feet I also had a birds eye view figuratively.  Life has been very challenging since I lost my mom.  Some days I feel fine and other days I'm an emotional mess.  There have been times when I got excited about something only to have a door slammed in my face. It all felt a bit overwhelming at times (truthfully, it still does)  and even though I know I'm not alone often feels like I am. 

Being away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life helped me to breathe normally again and see things from a different perspective.  It didn't take away the ache of missing my mom, but it helped me to gather up strength and continue to face this twisting, turning canyon road I seem to be walking.  My mom had a battle like that with her disease.  She never knew what the day would be like, but she never complained or felt sorry for herself. She is truly my inspiration for this journey I am on.  Getting away helped remind me why I am doing all of this.  Thanks friends, for walking it with me. I remain indebted to you for your support!

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