Saturday, March 9, 2013

A beautiful day for a run...

Wow...we've had sort of a miracle happen here in Rochester lately.  The sun. Shining. In March.  It was day 2 of gorgeous blue skies and sun.  I had to miss my morning group run with Fleet Feet due to a Rotary meeting but after having lunch with my Gram, I headed out for a run!  I decided to leave my pup at home today. I wanted the luxury of being able to run without having to worry about what she was doing or if we would see any other dogs.  I ran a little over 3 miles at about a 14:30 pace (averaged). I started faster but slowed a bit at the end. But I felt good the whole way.

In two weeks it will be my one-year anniversary of running!  It was a beautiful day, much like today, a year ago that I decided to start the Couch 2 5K program. I readily admit that I had no idea a year later that I'd still be running, but I am thrilled about it!

So I guess it's time to share one of my goals for the year: run a half marathon.  Yep, 13.1 here I come!  That seems crazy to even type, but after I did the Race with Grace 10K (6.2) at Thanksgiving I started to believe that with time and the proper training, I too can join the ranks of half marathoners.  Will a full marathon be in my future....who knows? I don't have any plans to run one now but if I continue to train and lose weight...the sky is the limit! :)

I have a couple other goals for the year...I'll try to share those in a separate blog post.  Thanks for all the lovely comments and notes of encouragement.  This is a long, slow process (much like my running...haha) but it's been most worthwhile. I wholeheartedly believe my mom is up in heaven cheering me on to success.

Happy Saturday!