Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 3

Today was my third day of working out.  I did the week 1, day 2 workout for Couch 2 5K. Yesterday I did 60 minutes of yoga.  I hope to alternate the two workouts over the next few weeks. I admit, I'm pretty sore tonight.  I want to be careful how much I increase the running at this point so I may end up repeating week 1 again. 

Today I was inspired by this quote:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
 If there is anything I learned by going through things with my mom's illness, it is you shouldn't put off tomorrow's plans forever. I'm a terrible procrastinator sometimes.  Sometimes you have to be. You can't possibly live with a "Carpe Diem" attitude every single day.  That said, I want to slowly start changing my attitude.  Get out of the rut. Do the things you dream of doing.  You may not accomplish them all at once, in fact, you may never accomplish them at all.  But I am firmly convinced that the journey is worth it.

So, what's your inspiration?


  1. LOVE is so important to remember WHY we are living and what we want in life. Thanks for reminding me not to lose focus :-)


  2. Perfect quote! I know you know what inspires me.. but I have plenty of tough, uninspiring days. They can't all be great. Anyway, keep it up!
