Thursday, September 29, 2011

Carpe Diem

“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, To put to rout all that was not life and not when I had come to die Discover that I had not lived.” - Henry David Thoreau (Used in the movie Dead Poets Society)

I am approaching my birthday here in just a little over a month, it's a time that always makes me a bit contemplative.  The act of turning another year older always makes me pause and assess my life.  I'm not approaching a decade birthday  (20, 30, 40) but it's a mid-decade birthday.  It's also a number that I used to casually toss out as sort of a deadline in my life.

For example, if I'm not _____ by the time I'm 35, then I'll do _______.  For me it was usually if I'm not married by the time I'm 35 then I'll do ________.  And guess what, I'm not married (nor likely soon to be).  So I have to admit there is a little bit of trepidation at looking at life beyond this age. It's not that it's old or that it's even all that scary to be single, it's just that life is turning out a bit different than I had anticipated.  


Of course, I didn't anticipate that I would lose my mom at this age either.  This is something that I shouldn't have to face until I'm in my 50s or 60s, not my 30s.  Not when my brother and his wife had their first baby and my parents (finally) have their first grandchild.  Not when she won't be around for the coming milestones in our lives.  That isn't supposed to happen until I'm older, not when I still need her.


But here it is and I must live the life I have been given.  This process of losing weight is all tied up into this assessment of my life.  I kept thinking I would accomplish that 'someday' and it turns out that I can't wait for someday.  I need and want to do it now.  It's not just my weight that I've put off. There have been other things (traveling, hobbies, interests, etc) that I've often sacrificed for 'someday'.  I won't be able to do them all at once but I'm trying to start a little at a time.  Challenging myself to push beyond the limits of my comfort zone.  Do something just a bit out of the ordinary.  Live.


Of course, some of you who know me might be thinking 'what the heck do you think you've been doing for the last 34 years?"  And to be fair, in my humble opinion, I have already lived a pretty great life.  But there's always more I want to do.    I tell my staff at work, ideas are never a problem for me, I always have more of them! 

So I'm trying to stop putting things off as if I'm waiting for life to begin.  Relax, I'm not doing anything crazy but just trying not to say if I'm not _____ by the time I'm __, then I'll do ______.  If there is one thing that my mom taught me, it's that life is precious and each day is a gift. I have to try to squeeze the most out of it.

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