Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Game - Set - Match

So last weekend I continued my foray into getting more active.  I walked over 3 miles twice more and continued doing crunches. I also took advantage of an offer from my cousin to go and play some tennis. It felt so good to get out on the court and hit the ball around for a while. We ended up playing for 2.5 hours which made it great exercise as well.

I played tennis in high school but haven't played very much since then.  I'm not very good but I did manage to keep up with my cousin, who is a far better player than I will ever be. (Especially my backhand!) 

I share this to say that it is making me think about what other ways I can change up my exercise program. In the past when I try to exercise I have tended to get in a rut, doing the same thing every time.  Clearly, walking (and eventually running) needs to figure prominently since I am also training to trek in the mountains.  However, I'd also like to work in some alternative exercise such as tennis and yoga to keep things a little more interesting. 

I'm still struggling with my crazy, crazy schedule right now but I'm trying to work in the exercise when I can. I certainly feel better on the days when I can exercise and I also find that I'm sleeping better.

I also went back to Weight Watchers (finally!) tonight. I'm pleased to report that I'm up to a total of 12 lbs. lost so far! 

So how do you like to exercise? What motivates you to keep working out?

1 comment:

  1. Katie VanderLinden AmannSeptember 14, 2011 at 10:02 PM

    Hi Jodie! Since you asked, on days when I am not going to run with the kids or push the lawn mower around the yard, I do Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer. You can always find 10 minutes and I feel so much better when I am done. (I am on my way to doing 3 at a time - but I work up at a rate of 1 extra minute every few days.) I motivate myself - yes you can laugh - by buying a hideous WalMart spandex workout outfit. I put it on in the morning and don't let myself take it off until I am done working out.
