Monday, July 18, 2011


It is with a little trepidition that I enter into this world of blogging.  I am doing this for myself mainly and the accountability that making this public will provide.  This is really going to be a journey for me. A journey that will last at least two years and will be undoubtedly marked by many successes (hopefully!) and a few failures (hopefully very few).  If I can accomplish my goal, I believe that this will make for a very compelling story - one full of good old fashioned hard work and dedication!

So what is my goal exactly?  Nothing more or less than keeping a promise I made to my mom before she passed away only 4 months ago.  Really, the original promise was made 2.5 years ago but mom reminded me of it in several conversations we had only weeks before she passed.  A deal is a deal and I can't renegotiate the terms of the deal now (not that I want to).  She kept her end of the bargain and I didn't.

More will come in the days ahead. I'll tell you about my plan, my exact goal and a little bit more about my wonderful and amazing mother, Judy!  Oh, and I will soon explain the design behind this blog.  It was all designed purposefully!  Wish me Godspeed on this journey I'm about to embark upon!


  1. Can't wait to read more Jodie. Your mom certainly would be pleased!! I am excited about the journey we are about to take with you. Also, very interested in the design behind. It looks like Denali??

  2. Thanks for the kind words of support. I'm pretty excited about this...and I'll need that support on those days when I feel down or overwhelmed by what I want to do!

    Terri - it's not Denali...but you'll find out where it is soon! :)

  3. Inspirational!

    (It's Heidianna!) I'll be following along! Awesome!
