Sunday, July 15, 2012

One year ago...

I'm all packed up and ready to head out to the cottage (see photo below) for our week of vacation. I'm pretty excited for a week off from my busy job.  This week marks an important anniversary though.  It was one year ago when I was on vacation at the cottage that I decided to embark on this journey of weight loss and getting healthy.  While I haven't achieved everything I had hoped for I thought it would be good to give an update on where I have been.

First, I started last year with great intentions and motivation.  But as with everything else, life got in the way.  I never gave up, but I cannot deny that I have had some really tough and trying times in the last 12 months.  So this goal sort of took a back seat.  Understandable but disappointing nonetheless. I originally hoped that I would have lost a lot more weight by now.  Oh well...

Second, the good news is that I have not given up and I am making real progress!  One of my goals for 2012 was to run a 5K (in fact a few of them).  As you may know, I'm nearing completion of the Couch 2 5K running program. I started and stopped it a few times before late April when it finally took hold.  I was reflecting the other day and realized that I've been doing this running 'thing' for over 60 days I believe it's officially a habit! :)  I'm only a couple weeks away from finishing and then to try my first 5K.  I'm still deciding which one but I hope to run a few before the year ends...including the one I am in charge of "Race on the Ridge" in the fall!

Third, I have started to lose weight again.  I find that the exercise I am doing makes me want to eat healthier.  I'm trying to listen to that voice inside which says 'eat healthier' and I think it's finally starting to come together.  I'm not doing anything organized (such as weight watchers). I will need to eventually, but I'm trying this for now.

Finally, I have had several people ask me if I still plan to do my trek to the Himalayas.  The answer is both yes and no.  Realistically, I cannot commit to the trek that is going next November because I don't know that I have the time to get in shape the way I need to.  However, YES I do still plan to do this.  The group I was going to go with also leads yearly treks to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.  That would been a pretty cool alternative and I wouldn't have to wait as long.  In fact, my Aunt Donna, who passed away in October, had planned to climb 'Kili' so if I do this, it would be very fitting.

That's the long and short of the situation. I'm not where I had hoped to be but I am moving in the right direction.  Thanks for all the great support this year.  Let's see what the next year brings, shall we?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Working out on vacation

I am up at our family cottage for the Fourth. Almost the whole family is here (not everyone though) so it is quite hectic. This morning I woke up and decided that I needed to continue my training. I was worried if I took too many days off I might not get back. That is a pretty momentous decision in and of itself for me. Usually when I am on vacation I take a break from working out. So not only was I breaking from tradition this would involve a bit of a drive. See the cottage is set amongst a really hilly part of NY. Though I have seen vast improvement in my endurance I knew I wouldn't be able to run those hills. So I drove out to the nearest high school track. Thanks to North Rose- Wolcott I was able to get my run in! Now I can get back to relaxing. Have a great day! :)