Saturday, June 30, 2012

An Update of Sorts...

Wow, so it's apparently been 3 months since I've updated my blog.  Shame on me!

The good news is that I have been busy in that time.  After starting and stopping the Couch 2 5K program three times I am pleased to report I just finished Week 5.  In fact, today was a big milestone. Every other day so far has had running and walking intervals interchanging.  Today I just had to run 20 minutes. I say 'just' but that is a BIG deal for me.

I could never do the mile run in high school gym class. I was actually an athlete in high school, playing tennis and softball, but running was not my thing.  As I've worked through these weeks of training I have definitely noticed the change in my running ability.  I have lost a few pounds, not a lot yet though. That will come.  Once I can run the 5K I plan to make running a regular part of my routine!

So today was a pretty big deal.  The girl who couldn't do the mile just ran more than a mile.  The best part was that I felt good at the end, not like I was going to die. Haha!

I promise to keep better tabs on the blog, especially as I train for my first 5K.  It's only weeks away it seems! :)